Tag Archives: Brands

Enhancing message effectiveness with multiple creatives.

Strongly recommend using multiple creatives units to enhance the message’s effectiveness and widen the reach with impact and relevance.

Newspaper Advertising, Pages and cover price needs a re-think

On Monday, 28th October, my newspaper was drastically underweight. It was not the usual cubby overweight I was getting accustomed to. The newspaper was slim, light with sporadic advertising. It felt like what my newspaper used to be, before the festival. Somehow I missed the thick festival sale and discount catalogue sheets masquerading as newspapers. … Read More »

8 Diwali Films that caught my eye.

HAPPY DIWALI. Festival time is advertising time. There are many region-specific windows of festivities like Bihu, Onam, Durga Puja, Holi, Makar Sankranti, and Kojagiri etc. Alternatively, the same festival celebrated under different regional IPR across regions. However, nothing beats Diwali as the festival of advertising nationally. Brands know festivals are the time to indulge and… Read More »

How brands converting second screen problem into an advantage?

How brands benefit from synchronisation their engagement on Twitter and TV? Most audiences engage with their mobile while watching television. There is always a second screen in play. This viewing pattern was earlier seen as a problem before someone decided deep-dive to understand the impact and use it to advantage. Recently after the hugely debated… Read More »