D0 You Treat High Performers Like Olympics Athletes?

The way we have been treating out high performers in the Tokyo olympics makes a statement. It is wrong and we all know it

Where will you waste your annual conference this year?

‘Annual Conclave’ in most organisations brings a smile to the faces. It is a not-promised but hinted reward for the last year performance. Or is it an investment into future performance. The jury is divided. Most take a middle path like many advertising campaigns and stick to ‘Investment in last year performers for next year… Read More »

MASS EXODUS- will you be the next victim

Tweet    Follow @S_kotnala It is neither the first nor is the last time that the news of collective exodus of employees from an advertising agency is being reported. Just like an earthquake, it is unpredictable but bound to happen if the built-up pressure fails to find a release. The signs of stress building need an… Read More »