Acknowledging A MidLife Crisis.

Midlife crisis can be tackled with positivity and being prepared for it. Here is what causes Midlife crisis and how one can tackle it.


In 2018, VistaPrint released the TVC ‘Professional’. It uses a very myopic definition and understanding of the term Professional. Tailoring is a profession, and many tailors are professional. In the PrintVista TVC, the young tailor is rejected by his potential future Father-in-law. The father of the would-be-bride wants his daughter to marry a professional. It… Read More »

Terminating client-agency relationship professionally.

What is true for personal life is true for professional life too. Relationships take time to build. Same is true of Client-agency relationship. They need an investment of time, efforts and a lot of trust and faith. Moreover, yet, in many relationships, there comes a stage when breaking it is more productive than continuing with… Read More »

BOOMERANG employees need to pass the GHAR WAPSI test

Getting back to an ‘ex’ is never an easy task. To expect the romance to flame up or to start from where one left is over expecting the welcome. It is a lot more complicated that when a person decides to join back his ex-organisation. The homecoming, boomerang employee is not a new phenomenon in… Read More »