For every feature article a scantly dressed woman would do?

By | 06/10/2015


Women power. Woman empowerment. Women image. Progressive outlook. Media keeps throwing these powerful words at the common man.Poor soul does not know more than these media stalwarts. He starts believing he is at fault. His self-image takes a beating. Every one is a suspect in his mind. He now hides behind the easy access of material and in isolation drools over things he is not expected to see.


Meanwhile the pious, the holier than thou, the ‘I do nothing wrong’ media behaves differently. They continue projecting female body differently. They use the titillating suggestive pictures. They know what works for them. They firmly believe that the scantly clad women are sure shot solution to an engaging reading. Otherwise there is no logic for such behaviour.
Here, I am sharing few articles by one of the leading English daily. See the pictures
that are associated with them. Yes they are defendable. But you decide if they were the best match or some other harmless picture would have made better sense.

Before you jump to conclusion. It is not just print. It is TV. It is Radio. It is Digital. It is all over. It is neither geographically isolated, nor it is language exclusive.

It is said to be about more readership. It is about the male who consume more media. And that is as myopic as media can get.

110Media is feeding all this imagery. And yet it wants to be seen as a change agent. No I cannot say if this act of mismatched pictures leads to the deplorable behaviour we all talk about. But yes, I think we could have better choice of pictures.

The pictures used are dated but the behaviour of media still remains the same.