Create an album of positive memories.

By | 06/05/2023

Well, it makes absolute sense. Simple. Why would one create a memory bank of negative episodes and experiences from life? And then pause to reflect. The truth remains that we tend to remember the negatives more than the positives until something triggers us to alter our thinking and re-align our thoughts. So, it is for your benefit to create an album of positive memories after all the story is your.

The Moment.

My moment happened this week. I was in for a consultation with the doctor. Past few days, my autoimmune problem had flared up. With it came something new. Tremors, so bad that it was tough to use the laptop or even hold a newspaper to read. A situation that would have anyway subsided with time. But, with age and the family getting worried, I found myself in the clinic explaining the hot and cold rushes and the tremors.

The doctor asked me to hold my hands straight ahead, and I immediately saw the tremors.

The doctor asked about any family history of Alzhemiser’s, and the answer was negative.

Any family history of Parkinson- the answer was again negative.

Then he asked if I could share what I had for dinner yesterday.

I drew a blank.

Dementia- for that, you have time.

And he got busy writing the routine prescription, assigning the cause to my autoimmune issue.

But it had me thinking, and as I have known the doctor for some time and we are more like friends, we ended up discussing a few things.

And here is where the thought culminated.

Need for positive memories.

Train your mind to look at the positives in every situation.

Train your mind to remember the positive, helpful and happy incidents in your life. Willingly forgiving others is an important part of the process, as is seeking forgiveness from others.

Now when your mind is trained to look at the positives, has more recollection and an archive full of nice happy memories- when the need comes to access memories- chances are that you will reach a happy memory.

You could better it by sometimes clicking these moments and capturing the moments and associated emotions in detail in writing.

Albums do a great job of it.

Think about it. If your library is full of happy moments, when you withdraw and access a memory, it will be a happy one.

Not that I expect people to go through any of the above three diseases. But how excellent could it be to have happy memories when all your senses are working?


So start rechecking your library of life incidents. Close out the unhappy, negative memories by closing the chapters and forgiving wherever needed. Time for all of us to build our positive memories and images and hope we don’t need a doctor to tell us.

Trust this will do two things. One, it will be a very positive change in attitude and approach to life. And two, you will come nearer to accepting the dualities of life. The album full of your stories is something you are responsible for.

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