E-Squared is a simple book, that welcomes you to nine – experiments. It asks you to do them yourself and then decide if REALITY IS MANAGEABLE, A CREATION OF YOU. If you desire something, you can make it happen. It is you who with your thoughts, and mind power has been creating reality in your life. In my case, incidentally 3 of the 9 experiments did work. However, the one I really wanted. I am still waiting.
These are easy to do, no-cost experiments that come with a rider. Results guaranteed only if you really- really- positive- definitely- passionately want something to happen. If it does not, like six of my experiment, then you must have failed in really wanting it!
In the author’s mind, these spiritual laws defining these are considered as positive and dependable.
So, in case you do finally agree and are convinced, what does it prove. Nothing new, things that you have always heard, believed or not believed, and your world is not going to be drastically altered by E-Squared.
It tires to show few things with the help of simple- no-cost experiments.
- There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities. You impact and create the field and also draw from it as per your beliefs and expectations. Your thoughts and consciousness impact matter.
- You are nothing but an energy field in this limitless abundant universe. You are connected to everything and everyone else in the universe. As you are part of interconnected resonating fields, you have available quite accurate guidance.
The principles or laws for these experiments are very cutely named. You will find; The fish and Love principle, The 10 Dalmatians Principle, The jenny Craig Principle, The Superhero principle and many more. Read to find what they are.
Why not give you a small peak on the kind of thing you may read here.
“As long as you harbor negative energy about yourself and spend time wanting to lose weight, that’s what you’ll get: negativity and ‘the state of wanting to lose weight.’ Not only is this type of thinking counterproductive, but it keeps you stuck with the body you’re currently in. Your body is a barometer of your belief system. Your cells eavesdrop on everything you say and think…”
“The normal state of your body is healthy. It can heal and regulates itself without any prompting from you. But when you keep tabs and count calories with frenetic abandon, you refuse to let your body change”

PAM proving with pictures that you could slim down just by thinking. The before (Left) and after ( Right) pictures .
Believing or not is your decision. I bought it because of this easy proving experiment bit, but was disappointed. Maybe I was not resonating perfectly, and you could have a differential experience.
And to close, be warned, you will also read things like these, which may upset you.
‘The God most of us believe in is an invention of man, fabricated for the sake of convenience. We accept this human-made God as an indisputable fact. But it makes no sense. If God is love, if God is perfect, if God is all the other beneficent descriptions we ascribe to him, why would he toss anyone into the lion’s den? Furthermore, why would anyone in their right mind want to hook up with a capricious and unjust god that gets his jollies from punishing them? Even the ditsiest of woman knows theoretically she shouldn’t hang out with a guy who might hurt her.
I mean, who needs it?
And this is the part that I agree with PAM.
E-SQUARED by Pam Grout. Published by Hay House India., Pages 157. INR 250