Motabhai’s Ostentatious Wedding: Personal Freedom, Cultural Heritage, and Economic Benefits

By | 16/07/2024

‘Kya Shaadi Abhi Baaki Hai’- Is the wedding ceremony still continuing? – is a question the people have repeatedly raised in the last few months. The wedding process has been long and tiring for the outsiders. The public remained in the arc, consuming all the details of the pre-wedding and wedding ceremonies of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant spread over destinations. They saw entertainers like Rihanna and Justin Bieber and guests on the global who’s who list of politicians, sports, and business with the top stars of Indian cinema dancing. It was a wedding in which the global power centre was divided into invited and uninvited, making it an international social event.

The ringside experience continued for far too long for the masses. One is unsure if the family got tired of it. However, the masses trying to meet the demands of inflation and the hardships of life were tired of the experience. Someone commented that the wedding ceremonies were so prolonged that India lost and won a World Cup during the whole ceremony. And then someone asked, how long would the post-wedding ceremony be if the pre-wedding were so long?

Indian social media has been full of news and comments on the wedding of the century. Some question the grandeur and term it an ostentatious, shameful display of wealth, and some question the administration’s bending to facilitate the ceremony. The thing is, everyone is right—as per the tint of their glasses.

We are a secular Democratic country where the right to personal freedom and expression is paramount. This includes celebrating significant life events in a manner one deems fitting or can afford. Shri Mukesh Ambani, the biggest of the big industrialists, hosted an ostentatious wedding for his son, which was marked by grandeur and significantly astronomical expenditure by usual standards. This aligns with the principle of individual liberty and personal choice. Different estimates put the spending at a mere 0.3% of Motabhai’s net worth –much below the 5-8% an Indian family would spend on such an event.

The final phase of the wedding started with Motabhai invoking Sanatan Dharma and the Devtas, which placed the situation in a different context. The extravagant celebrations became expressions of cultural heritage and personal achievement.

A wedding is a significant life event that merits grand celebrations. Families have always used it to reflect, demonstrate, acknowledge, and reiterate their social status and personal milestones. In this case, their success, hard work, vision, and contribution to the economy are not even disputed. Hosting a lavish wedding is a legitimate way to celebrate success and share their joy with friends, family, and the community. The community definition, as expected, would change with each ceremony and context.

People who criticise this extravaganza forget the economic impact of it.  Such a wedding generates substantial revenue for various industries, including hospitality, catering, fashion, entertainment, and transportation. Local vendors, artisans, and service providers often benefit from the increased business. Such events create positive ripples in the local economy. The influx of guests, including VVIPs, can also boost tourism and raise the profile of the hosting city, potentially leading to long-term economic benefits. It is different that Motabhai would have a finger in each pie.

Oh, it is cheeky for people who live undisciplined lives. They don’t respect rules and don’t think twice about the inconvenience caused by the religious, regional, political and community events. And yet, they raise questions on the appropriateness of administrative arrangements. 

Cities frequently host large-scale public events such as concerts, sports matches, and festivals. The events require significant logistical coordination and may cause temporary disruptions. Ensuring the smooth conduct of such events is part of the civic infrastructure, and administrations are equipped to handle these challenges efficiently.

What will happen if the administration does not make the arrangement? Come to think of it. Any incidence can create negativity. Sheer chaos.

VVIPs of global standards at the wedding necessitate additional security and traffic management, including diversion and closures. No city can afford a mishap. These high-profile guests bring attention and prestige, reflecting well on the location and the family.  The inconvenience caused is typically temporary. This much the public can do for Motabhai.  

Oh yes, such weddings or events will highlight economic disparities. And they should. It could be motivational for some. It also respects individual choices and the right to celebrate personal achievements.

There is no reason to penalise Motabhai. He is unarguably a hugely successful industrialist. He contributes to the economy when he chooses to host a grand celebration. We should celebrate their spending money. It reflects their success and can be a source of economic stimulation for many sectors.


Motabhai has earned enough. He could have saved or invested this money into yet another money spinner, but he chose to act otherwise. Motabhai’s Sanatan mind embraces the philosophy that life is meant to be lived rich and full. Reiterating that we come with nothing and that we leave empty-handed. The wedding is, after all, a manifestation of the joy and success that hard work and enterprise have brought. There is hope that this extravagant celebration, a reward of dedication, business acumen and ambition, inspires others.


It is Motabhai’s right to host an ostentatious wedding for their son despite the grandeur and potential public inconvenience. It is a legitimate expression of personal freedom and cultural celebration. Such events mark personal milestones. They contribute positively to the economy and society, highlighting the importance of respecting individual choices within a democratic framework.

When one is a public figure and spends so much, people use their own filters to see it. Now, they wonder, what has changed? What’s so special about this third wedding in the family in recent times for Motabhai to spend so much? The other wedding ceremonies, though equally rich and grand, were not a patch to this wedding. This one beat everyone hollow on the display of wealth. Was it more of a business than a mere family affair? The public can question and keep speculating about the reasons and possibilities. I know each one will have their theories and take on the situation. What’s your theory and reactions?

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