I firmly believe books find their readers. It has often been a sheer coincidence and a series of related events that have led me to pick a book. And whenever it happened, I never regretted it. KHYAALON KI TAPRI by Meraj Hasan ‘meem’ is one such book.
We have a small group on WhatsApp. The membership is more by reference and invitation. It is dedicated to discussing, debate and sharing insights, inputs and POV on everything in our social ecosystem. Still, most discussions are centred around the brand, marketing, business and people. Right now, the debate is on Hindu mythology. It all started with my MAHASHIVRATRI blog under #IgnorantHindu. That we will discuss some other time.
In Feb, I think it was Ameen Haque who shared his poem ‘LAKEEREIN’, which spoke of borders as imaginary limes, created you divide… on the land of the heart. It used mathematical signs to make a point.
Sumit Roy of UnivBrands picked it up. He suggested that it was time for a POETRY ADDA. Arvind Passey, Prabhakar Mundkur, Bhawani Singh, and I agreed immediately. So on 28th Feb 2001, we had our first Poetry Adda.
That evening, a lot of us shared a few poems. Meraj Hasan’ meem’, read out three poems from his book KHYAALON KI TAPRI and explained why he titled the book like that. The reader in me was immediately hooked enough to order the book.
The book of 50 short poems is published under the banner of ‘BecomeShakespeare.com!’. In the preface, the advertising veteran Rahul daCunha writes that the poems in ‘Khayalo Ki Tapri’ combine darkness with light – humour with harsh realities of life- his poetry is eclectic it’s eclectic, it’s ephemeral, and it’s ethereal. But, most of all and most vitally, it’s also every day.
That everyday part of the poetry is what I enjoyed most in Khayalo Ki Tapri. Meraj Hasan’ meem’ has a beautiful way with words. He tweaks them to present a new face to everyday happenings. Yes, a lot has to do with dreams and things dear to the heart. However, there are enough harsh realities pushed up close to your face. Close enough for you to hesitantly acknowledge them. So, what if it is for and of the moment. Poetry is, after all, a feeling, a moment, a dream, a thought captured but not constrained by the words and flow of them.
There are a few poems I like and love. They are the ones that get stuck in my head. Maybe because they somewhere touch my memories, or they speak in the same wavelength.
My choice may not be what you like. However, the range of subjects, images and impressions touched by Meraj Hasan ‘meem’ is wide enough for each of us to find one that resonates with us.
I take the liberty to share three of them. To enjoy the rest, one will have to pick the book.
Tapri is one of those little roadside stalls where India sips her tea, swaps stories and shares moments stolen from the bustling life. KHYAALON Ki Tapri is a small collection of poems. And the poems-like stealing and capturing the thoughts from everyday life.
Here is a representative poem I share. Just like the CUTTING tea at the Tapri, but if you do love poetry that takes things out of everyday life and represents them in a different box- pick the book; KHYAALON KI TAPRI. You can order it here. %o poems. 62 Pages. INR 250/-

PS. In case you wonder, Meraj Hasan’ meem’ is a member of the same WhatsApp group. I bought the book.
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