KILL YOUR DARLINGS to find time & energy in life.

By | 27/06/2024

‘Kill Your Darlings’ is not a new Idea. I, too, have referred to it in some way in my book – ‘25 Rules of Life- I wish I had known earlier. However, reading it on #Firstprinciple by #theKen worked wonders for me. It pushed me to take a snappy audit of my work. Re-check the listless old projects that I kept on working on. Things I have become emotionally attached to. Ones which are more of a comfort zone for me. Projects that eat into my time, which I could have definitely used more productively.  I had not been able to amputate from my life emotionally. Though I have prescribed it – I have found it most challenging to execute and follow.

Here, I reiterate it as one of the most important things to do. And it is not just about entrepreneurship; it is about life, balance, passion and direction.

(a) Knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do.

(b) Every time you decide to “not do” something, you free up energy to do something.

‘Killing the First Principles podcast wasn’t an easy decision for me’. With these words, Rohin Dharmakumar, theKen’s co-founder, informed their passionate readers that they dare to walk the talk. They are discontinuing the 2-year-old newsletter – the ‘First Principle’, which has covered 41 CEOs and their thinking.

I selfishly wish they continued it for the benefit of readers like me. But I know no amount of audience pressure would make ‘Theken’ rethink their decision. I also know whatever they add, replace, or create will be based on deep understanding and focus. Maybe it will help them recheck their thinking and success mantras.

I have often been given this advice to ‘Kill my Darlings’ in different formats. Unfortunately, I have not been strong and have followed it in spurts. I plan to do it again and believe one must do it many times a year. It is like Diwali Cleaning the house. It is liberating. ‘Killing your darlings’ releases time and makes the energy available to be put into other more efficient and productive work.  

‘Kill Your Darlings’ –  kill projects and products that are not going anywhere and focus efforts on the most important bits of the business and life. Be willing to emotionally amputate yourself from these unnecessary time and energy eaters- which have outlived their lives. Be ‘Positively Selfish’- because you are your biggest asset and because you are only responsible for yourself.  And it is important to say- that when you do- you will realise you can do the rest of the things better- because- If you can’t do big things better, then at least do the small things the best. I thought it was worth framing and keeping it in front as a reminder. 

Here is another Gen from the newsletter. And I have practised this almost every day to great success. It is called subtraction, meaning that if I am taking anything new on my platter, I must decide what I am willing to drop from the things I am doing. Because remember the total energy and time available to you is finite. So, go ahead and look at your set of projects dispassionately and Kill the Darlings. There is another concept about ‘Helping the Jobs commit suicide’ but that I leave for some other day.

Now, yes, the ‘FirstPrinciple’ newsletter and podcast are no longer alive at ‘theKen’, but it is one place where my subscription has given me a lot more thoughts, insights and learning than what I have paid. So think again- and if you want- check out or subscribe to Theken.

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