Life After a Milestone: Completion and Renewal

By | 04/06/2024

Achieving a milestone is a powerful moment in life. Whether completing a long-term project, reaching a personal goal, or achieving a professional benchmark, the feeling of crossing the finish line is a mix of exhilaration, relief, and a touch of exhaustion. It is typically a moment of completion and a result of efforts invested in the journey, making the achievement meaningful.

The initial feeling after achieving a milestone is often one of profound relaxation. It is as if it fills in a vacuum, and on the other side, it creates a vacuum with the question of – so what next? The intense effort and focus required to reach the goal give way to a sense of peace and satisfaction. There is then the glow of success and pride in the hard work.

Achieving any milestone is a time to celebrate and recognise dedication and perseverance. Every milestone, easily reached or hard-earned, deserves celebration. It’s an important recognition and acknowledging the journey.

However, this period of relaxation can also trigger a sense of exhaustion and, occasionally, a feeling of emptiness or vacuum. The high energy and drive that fuelled the progress suddenly have nowhere to go. It is natural.

The intense focus on a goal creates a structure and purpose in daily life, and once that structure is gone, it can feel disorienting.

But within this vacuum lies the seed of new beginnings.

The completion of one journey often marks the start of another.

It is a time for reflection, to consider what comes next. It’s an opportunity to set new milestones and find new challenges that reignite passion and drive.

The sense of accomplishment from a hard-won success is often a good time to motivate towards pursuing an even greater goal, pushing self to further limits.  

Achieving a milestone is especially gratifying when it takes significant effort. The struggles and challenges faced along the way make the success sweeter. It’s a reminder that the journey is as important as the destination. The lessons learned, the skills honed, and the resilience built are all invaluable. They prepare us for future challenges and help us grow stronger. And if the efforts required are not much or the milestone is easily achieved, then at times, it raises a question – have we really understood our potential- could we have done better, and have we overestimated the toughness?

Normally, after each project milestone, a failure or success, I follow a process called PaRAM. That is first to pause and Reflect on the efforts and the process, analyse them, and capture the learnings to move forward. I try to answer- what have I done the best? What is it that I could have done better? How would I approach and do the project if I was to do it again? What parts would I change? And that is enough for me to get ready for the next milestone.  

Net net, life after achieving a milestone is a blend of relaxation, reflection, and renewal. It’s essential to celebrate our achievements and recognise the hard work and dedication that went into them. This celebration not only honours our past efforts but also energises us for the future. Embrace the moment, relish the success, and then look forward to the next milestone on your journey. Each step forward is a testament to your growth and potential.
You may read more about these in my book – ’25 Rules of Life- I Wish I Had Known Earlier’. It is available on Amazon and Kindle globally.

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