Celebrate Imperfection.
Don’t rush after the illusion called PERFECTION. Better celebrate imperfection in life.
It is not a new thought. Many great thinkers, gurus and leaders have articulated it.
We humans express a spectrum of endless emotions, experiences and expectations. We also evaluate them against individual parameters that keep getting redefined.
We exist because imperfection exists.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Intelligence and Deep Learning are also based on iterative learning. They are about continuous learning and evolving in an attempt to attain perfect prediction of possibilities.
We know, in perfection we are chasing another Maya (illusion).
There is no way to define perfection. No way to realise when it is achieved.
Is perfection the end of LIFE?
There is no perfect service, product, delivery, role, employee, relationship, experience and expectation. If you accept it, then there cannot be an ideal relationship or a perfect role model. Imperfection is everywhere.
Just like schemes come with ‘Terms and condition apply’, perfection or near perfection comes with ‘Within the constraints’ tag. The moment you lower the bar of false expectation to ‘Within the constraints’ life becomes a lot more comfortable.
You get into delivering what is possible. You are happy about achieving every success. You are focussed on keeping your side of the deal. You give 100% involvement, passion and dedication to every task.
You focus on taking the best decision with the information available. You willing accept variables within your control and outside your control.
Accept Imperfection. Live life in a beta mode.
Accept imperfection. Start appreciating and enjoying every change that moves you toward a destination. Stop getting irritated and frustrated with things not in sync with your set of rules. Make space for margin of error and conformity. Let the tolerance grow without re-calibrating expectations.
Do learn to celebrate imperfection.
Imperfection is a part of nature. Everything is randomised imperfection. There is no ideal human being, divine nature, perfect weather and perfect kingdom.
Expect Imperfection everywhere.
The search for perfection and the existence of imperfection connects us across races, sex, geographies, tribes and culture. So, don’t be offended by it. Imprecation is the perfection we have failed to understand.
Go out and change the way you look at things. Go out enjoy the imperfection. Celebrate it.