Rays from the Eclipsed Sun by Narendra Chauhan is a page-turner of a different type. It is a mocktail that fails to tickle your pallet as none of the flavours overrides. It is not well mixed enough. Hence, you don’t know what to expect. A medical novel- like Robin cook, a love story- like love story- something of friends- metaphorically like the movie Sholey- a deep thought like ‘the five people you meet at heaven’- or the Priya Kumar version of the life.
I wanted the book to complete, I was flipping pages. Not necessarily to know what was happening next. The end was no mystery, and by page 198 of the 257 pages- the puzzle has no piece remaining.
Yet, the story keeps you charged at the start. It is like a turbulent river coming down the mountains. Soon it hits the plains fast, and before you can enjoy the ride, it is at sea, merging into it placidly.
What is it all about?
Six friends, one confirmed couple, enjoying their evening. Suddenly the accidents claim one of them. One who someone from the group wanted to open his heart to. And, she remains with them, observing them at every stage, knowing their future- till some pieces fall into place. One of the friends is diagnosed with HOCM, a condition with no overt signals and symptoms. Something that can kill him any time. The friends come together to be with him and see if a cure could be arranged.
Yes, there is ample romance and parental care; there is deep friendship with hardly any negativity or competition or jealousy. Too lovely and sweet for my taste. The fear of t losing a friend is part of the story, but it fails to impact you. The suspense and anxiety never cross a level that would make you hit the panic button. There is too much medical Gyan / knowledge trying to sound normal for a typical reader.
Where the book scores is simplicity. Linearity of thought and highly chronological spacing of events. Maybe that is what spoiled my interest and engagement with the book. To top that, I could frankly not relate with any of the characters in the novel. I found them a bit alienating because of their so clean hearts.
‘RAYS FROM THE ECLIPSED SUN’ by Narendra Chauhan. Published with Maple Press Private Limited. 258 pages INR 195. Read other book reviews here.
Disclaimer– Narendra Chauhan sent me the book ‘Rays from the Eclipsed Sun’. Both Narendra Chauhan and I trace our roots to Jabalpur in MP. He is a practising lawyer at the high court.
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