Signature Art is most likely something new for you. I only know of three people attempting to do it.
It is as unique as the signature of the person.
It is an art form where the doodler takes on the person’s signature and, over it, doodles a thematic representation of the person’s interest, passion, education, job, family, beliefs and value system.
If the doodler makes another signature art piece for the same person- even that will be different- due to different weights, moods and styles. The doodle uses all the techniques like Mandala, Zen and simple doodle patterns.
Why not commission a SignatureArt of your own? Or surprise someone with a gift.
Own a unique personal artwork and then proudly display the original or adapted prints in rich frames, stretched canvas prints, mugs or any other surface.
If you want to know more, contact me here . The fee starts at a low 3500 for a simple signature art A4 size. And it varies according to the complexities and size of the final output.
The more one tells about self in a short discussion and a questionnaire, the better the art representations of the person’s life. The artist attempts to capture minute but integral and critical elements of the person’s life and not necessarily every element or milestone.