Untangling Umbilical Cord in Life and Brand Building.

By | 15/02/2024

During birth, the physical umbilical cord is ceremoniously cut. Still, the bond between mother and child remains metaphorically tethered by what we might call an “umbilical cord” throughout life. This intangible connection, though unseen, can be remarkably strong. It is often joked in India that, culturally, this umbilical cord is seemingly unbreakable in nature.

However, beyond this primal connection, we weave new Umbilical cords throughout our lives, some consciously and many unknowingly. These cords are not physical but are deeply felt, influencing our thoughts and actions.

Our umbilical cords form within families, among school and college friends, first love, and even with former bosses and organisations. They tether us to past experiences, shaping our perceptions and reactions to new challenges and opportunities. However, clinging too tightly to these cords can hinder personal and professional growth as we measure current situations against past experiences, often overlooking new possibilities. We must look at writing the new chapters in life.

We must recognise that a few of these Umbilical cords, such as those connecting us to family and close friends, are essential. However, we must cut off many others for our own advancement. These include cords binding us to past organisations beyond mere networking relationships or in situations demanding crisis intervention. While breaking such cords can be emotionally challenging, it is essential for personal development.

Umbilical Cord and Life.

We must reflect on the web of Umbilical cords in our lives. We should strengthen the selected few, cut off the rest, or stop feeding them. However, these decisions must be more than just emotionally driven but also logical and rational. By doing so, we can free ourselves from the constraints of the past and embrace new opportunities with clarity and purpose.

Umbilical Cord and the World Of Brand Building.

In the dynamic world of brand creation and marketing, we often find ourselves entangled in Umbilical cords with brand purpose, communication strategies, and messaging formats. But brands cannot afford to be bound by these outdated ties. They must break free and evaluate every opportunity and concept on merit.

Today, brands cannot rely on past successes to guarantee future success. Today’s landscape is defined by shifting audience preferences, fickle loyalties, intense competition, and ever-dwindling attention spans. Holding onto outdated, Umbilical cords only keeps brands from reaching their full potential.

It’s time brands take a bold stance and, at times, unpopular decisions to shed the burdens of the past. Keep the Umbilical cords that strengthen the brand’s identity and values, but ruthlessly cut loose those that hinder progress and innovation.

Recognising Brand’s Umbilical  Cords.

There is a need to  understand the importance of staying agile and adaptable in a constantly evolving marketplace, and dedicate efforts to helping brands break free from the shackles of tradition to embrace a future filled with endless possibilities. Brand Katha must be in present with a future in mind.

However, the process of identifying the Umbilical cord that individuals, organisations, and teams carry is something that takes work and effort. There is a lot of understanding, research and cross-pollination of ideas, along with open debate that must operate in an environment of complete trust. The thought is not new, but the process is. These cords come from motherhood- the origin- the creators, and the leadership more than from the instinct and intellect the ground forces operate with. 

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