Does Pierce Brosnan without 007 work for Pan bahar?

I know this is late. In today’s world, this PAN-BOND event is no longer the news. However, the subject is not dead as the advertising community seems polarised in commenting on it. More has been said, commented and shared on the last Friday’s seemingly innocuous front-page press ad of Pan Bahar (PAB) that was talk… Read More »

Do you have a combat strategy for a completely naked market?

This is a time of great anxiety for the marketers. The traditional synchronised product development process that they so wisely learnt and understood was never a complex process. It was a seamless choreographed process. The collaborating teams from verticals like research, manufacturing, marketing, communication and sales found their unique ways to formulate benefit claims to… Read More »

Model Village approach needed in Rural CSR

If one was to believe the rural masses and the message that comes loud and clear, then there is nothing called Corporate Social Responsibility. There are NGOs and charities but no CSR. The rural masses are clear that the need of CSR is seen as the failure of GSR or Government Social Responsibility. Truly so,… Read More »

Fire your second cylinder. 100 days to year end

Let me take you back to the night of December 31, 2015 and January 1, 2016. You are most likely with friends enjoying the moment. You have plans and determination in your eyes. There are resolutions you have so cleverly crafted to leave no escape route open. You are after all a highly determined person.… Read More »

Are you adding to the creative noise with unwanted, uninteresting, uninspiring crap?

It is not new that the monolithic marketing departments are crumbling, ever held tenderly by the omnipresent but not so omnipotent all-knowing marketing director. Fragmented media channels along with the emergence of multiple touch points have created a need for expert zones and pockets of specialisation. The ever-exploitable unsatisfied lust of an overtly voyeuristic customer… Read More »

News Media. Credibility At Risk.

There is not much to substantiate, but I fear news media credibility in the second most trusted nation* has taken a beating. It may be just at the edge ready to give politicians a run for bias and distrust. Social media is surely (not suddenly) becoming the media of trust. WOM was always more credible.… Read More »

The power of effective one-on-ones in media sales.

Sales and marketing of media brands have been experiencing a change, they are not comfortable with. ‘whatsapp me’, ‘Let’s skype’ and ‘send a email’ are replacing ‘let’s discuss’ and let’s meet’. If you seriously believe ‘One-on-Ones’ that were the backbone of legendary media relationship marketing/ selling of yesteryears are threatened by the evolving technology, social… Read More »

Are media sellers & marketers in sync with changing B2B realities?

I was reading an article by brand strategist Tony Eades titled ‘Want Better ROI On Your B2B Marketing Strategy? Ditch The Sales Pipeline And Focus On The Customer’ . It immediately struck a chord with me, and I started reflecting at the scenario in India and the established template in media sales and marketing processes.… Read More »

Welcoming the bride, Learning for induction.

Welcoming the bride: Key to successful Induction Finally, the day has come. After the organisation has gone through the time-consuming process of identifying need gap and desired competencies, filtered shortlisted candidates through references and back-checks, the selected candidate is joining to take charge of assigned responsibilities. The new bride walks in the family. The candidate… Read More »