By | 17/01/2021

Once in a while, you get a book like ‘White. Soft and Fluffy’. The title and the cover mislead you entirely. However, the line; ‘A woman who refused to submit’ asks you to hold your judgement.

I read ‘White, Soft and Fluffy’ by Poonam Jalan it in one sitting. Flat 4 hours at home! As a reviewer, I blatantly recommend everyone to read it.

It is rare to get a debutant author writing so clearly, cohesively, and transparently. The non-fiction narrative is hypnotic and keeps you engaged. The life incidents picked are brilliant—each sharing an emotion, expression or action and raising a set of questions.

The Book- White, Soft and Fluffy.

It is an autobiographical sketch of life. The author shares and weaves through a few of the impact incidents in her life. She Pauses, reflects, absorbs and moves on- at times with few ugly baggage and memories that took time and efforts to be dropped. So, the third person account reads biographical and helps the whole storytelling. I do not object to the end of chapter sharing of views and information about the subject. It further accentuates the relative engagement.

Poonam being trained therapeutic counsellor most probably helped in the journey of writing the book. Still, it takes courage to open up. To clinically look into the life and spread the details for public viewing. Poonam does not hold back once she decided she is writing the book.


If real-life impact episodes of life interest you. If you feel elated by small wins in life. If you can rejoice in the power of the mind and human excellence, this is the book for you. It is about all of us. It is about a child, a patient, a parent, a fragile mindset, an enduring resilience, a couple of battles and understanding, a parents follies and love. It is a mirror that at some phase is going to reflect you. And the images may not be so pleasant to relate. And at times it will mirror something that will make you smile. It is Poonam’s biographical non-fiction autobiography- but the emotions and incidents are human.

And, if you are reading it fast, slow down a bit. After each incident or episode of life narrated for your benefit by Poonam Jalan, Pause. 

One must pause to think through what one reads. Take time to reflect on the incident, action, reactions and inaction of the characters from every perspective. Fully aware that nothing can be changed. Take the learning and move on. 

It is a story of a brave woman who refused to submit, and you should read it.


White, Soft and Fluffy by Poonam Jalan. Published by Notion Press. Price 365. Pages- 187. Available at Amazon,  KOBO and Notion press.


Declaimer: The book was a gift from by Anup Jalan, husband of the author Poonam Jalan.

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