Momentary Brand Affinity – The Demise of Consumer Loyalty

By | 03/06/2023

Market and consumer continue to evolve and present new probortunties to marketers. One of the significant shifts has been the death of brand loyalty. The consumer no longer staunchly supports a particular brand but instead chooses and experiments with different brands for the same occasions or moments. Traditional brand loyalty is all but extinct.

The Changing Landscape

Brand loyalty results from the trust, product quality, and positive experiences meeting or exceeding expectations resulting in consumers identifying with a particular brand and consistently choosing/preferring it over other brands. However, in today’s hyper-connected and fast-paced world with democratised information access and the rise of social media, consumers have an unprecedented array of options and are more knowledgeable and discerning.

Occasion-Based Brand Selection

Consumers are now comfortable selecting brands that align with specific occasions or moments. The brands must cater to their fleeting trends, moods, needs, desires and expectations. They may even choose and prefer a different brand for the same occasion. 

Personalisation fuels association.

The emergence of advanced data analytics and targeted marketing strategies has fuelled occasion-based brand selection. Companies use consumer data to create personalised marketing campaigns that resonate with individual preferences and occasions by crafting tailored messages, enticing the consumer to choose products or services.

The Influence of social media and Influencers

Social media platforms and influencers significantly shape consumers’ choices based on occasions and moments. The influencers often endorse specific brands, lending their credibility and expertise to sway consumer decisions. By aligning themselves with influencers who resonate with their target audience, brands capture consumers’ attention during critical moments and events.

Redefining Brand Loyalty

No doubt Brand Loyalty is on the decline. However, consumers still value certain attributes in their interactions with brands. Even in a world driven by occasion-based brand selection, Trust, authenticity, and a consistent brand experience remain vital considerations. When the brand delivers on these, it encourages repeat purchases and word-of-mouth recommendations in a more fluid and situational context.

Challenges and Opportunities

Lack of brand loyalty is a barrier to expanding a captive consumer base. The competition is fierce, and there is a constant need for innovation and newer experiences that resonates with consumers across different occasions and moments. There is a need to stay ahead of emerging trends and consumer preferences. Brands must be the go-to choice during specific events and capitalise on opportunities.


The era of consumer loyalty has been replaced by momentary brand affinity. Consumers now select brands based on specific occasions or moments driven by personalisation, social media influence, and a desire for tailored consumer experiences. 

While the idea of unwavering brand loyalty may be fading, brands that understand and leverage this shift can still thrive in the age of occasion-based brand selection by delivering authentic and memorable experiences. Brands can still create meaningful connections and preferences among consumers, ensuring success in this landscape of constantly changing consumer preferences, choices and moment-based affinity.

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