Appreciating contribution in creating highly untrained leadership in advertising

Tweet     Follow @S_kotnala The classic quote “Our assets go down in the elevator every night” still reflects advertising and communication organisations and highly people-centric professions. Yet, the practice defies logic. Surprisingly, beyond learning on the run, they do nothing in terms of organised training. Throwing in the deep end seems to be the only… Read More »

The 248KB that fired to defend the honour

Tweet      Follow @S_kotnala 70th Episode. Many answered my call to share some episode from their life in advertising and marketing, this is one of them where I am not in the picture. Back to 2006-2007. Post launch of two English newspapers in Mumbai, the fight for respectful second was still on. TOI (Times of… Read More »

The Sponsor’s Gita in Sports Mahabharata

Tweet       Follow @S_kotnala Mahabharata, the epic war between two polarised views happens in every yug. Kalyug is a bit different. Here it happens every year, maybe a new Mahabharata every moment, many of them at the global level.  The Kauravas and Pandavas are decided not on ethics and attitude but who wins. Pandavas… Read More »


Tweet  Follow @S_kotnala 68th EPISODE Advertising and Marketing. This is pure coincidence that while I was thinking of the next story for the weekly advertising marketing episode, I read this blog ‘The Acronym Trap’ from B Harish  in Marketing Buzzar. Immediately I knew what is the story I am going to share with you all. The… Read More »

Comparing apples with oranges. Why you must compare Goafest with Kyoorius.

It is bound to happen. And my telling otherwise is not going to help. Comparisons are inevitable. The industry remains divided between the two. No one has taken sides. They are waiting and watching further development.  Will they become two iconic award properties? Will Kyoorius replace Goafest? Will delegates attend both or will they sacrifice… Read More »

CROSS MEDIA MATRIX- Time for Indian Publishers to take the leap

Tweet     Follow @S_kotnala Why should anyone be interested the latest report of EMMA, the Enhanced Media Matrix Australia? The answer could be a wishful thinking and the necessity of future. We are probably at the right point to leap forward. Today, in complexly fragmented multi-title and multi-screen media engagement, a study like EMMA, the… Read More »

MASS EXODUS- will you be the next victim

Tweet    Follow @S_kotnala It is neither the first nor is the last time that the news of collective exodus of employees from an advertising agency is being reported. Just like an earthquake, it is unpredictable but bound to happen if the built-up pressure fails to find a release. The signs of stress building need an… Read More »