14 Must-Read Books of 2014 that Every Indian A&M Professional Must Read

Books must add up a new thinking, explain an event/ incident/ episode in a life of a company or a person to qualify for the list. Here are the 14 books I recommend to Management, Advertising and Marketing professionals. Some of you are bound to find books on your list that are missing here. That’s… Read More »


There is something really evil sinfully sexciting and orgasmic in slowly giving in to temptation and surrendering to an early break of otherwise a well-debated resolution. Yet, resolutions take birth, fully aware of their short life. This destined death makes the process of creation a lot more interesting. There are our independent individualistic favourite resolutions,… Read More »


47th EPISODE. Pattaya and the word bring a plethora of distinct images to mind, but there is a hidden Pattaya that you can explore, if and only if you have the inclination and interest. Tear 2014, Dainik Bhaskar Annual conclave was scheduled in Pattaya. It was a conclave where lot many fresh experiments were happening.… Read More »

Letter to brand manager from a paranoid consumer

Dear Brand Manager The year-end is near. The Third Quarter you call it and you are behind your targets. Nothing new. You are an experienced hand on this. You do have tricks up your sleeve to ensure you get your performance incentives. However, at what yield is debatable. You know you are losing your charm.… Read More »


45th EPISODE: Goa it was. Goafest 2010 the event. IN earlier edition, we had managed to hijack junior delegates to party. This time, my team was bringing out daily magazine beating the trade publications on content and timelines. It was tough, as the backend, team had never worked together. Team had no experience of covering… Read More »

I am Promiscuous because you are a Flirt

Dear Marketer, We have seen a lot many good days but it is becoming intolerable. You keep on playing tricks that no longer amuse, engage or involve me. The pressure of one-dimensional unilateral expectations you have is chocking me. In our society of MAC: Market, advertisers and communicators, the relationship between you, the marketer/ Brand… Read More »


43rd Episode :  Male are always on the lookout. Their adventurous DNA pushes them to experiment and take risk outside their existing relationships. They want the naughty-fun. Some score anyway in a no-string attached relationships. Some score mentally. For some buying the scorecard is the only alternative. But, they all score. This incident involves an… Read More »