Developing Positive Brand Immunity

Last week, I proposed that brands must check the level of immunity its consumers have developed towards its message. And the brand should aim at developing positive immunity. A stage where consumers become impervious to messages from competing brands. Remaining unmoved by substitute category pokes. Examples: Fevicol, Maggi, Tata … How does a brand develop such strong… Read More »

Is the Consumer developing IMMUNITY to your brand messages

Tweet   Follow @s_kotnala I hate it, when I am suffering from fever and my doctor refuses to prescribe painkillers or antibiotics. But his logic is simple. My body may develop immunity against prescribed chemicals and then I will need a higher dose. One day even the higher doses will stop working. A new prescription will… Read More »

Small Steps to Enhance Activation Experience

Tweet     Follow @s_kotnala Events and activation are an integral part of a B2B campaign. Properly executed they are successful in engaging and delivering the message. Unfortunately most of the event and activations are good ideas badly executed. The intent behind the activity and the initial design framework are usually right. Time, budget constraints and… Read More »

LAZY ADVERTISING BY MEDIA BRANDS. Show what they think of planners and clients. Those Morons

Tweet    Follow @s_kotnala Media brands in the B2B space take their business communication and related messaging very seriously. While I do not expect them to evolve to H2H conversation anytime in the near future, the fact remains that they do consider their B2B initiatives a very important part of their selling process. Media trade… Read More »

No Paid News may haunt Print in Bihar Election

Tweet   Follow @S_kotnala The Narendra Modi-led government came to power riding social media as well as radio, television and digital media wave. Now, the newspaper industry no longer sees the announcement of elections as harbinger of ‘Acche Din‘. In the recent past, the very idea of election campaigning and the power of print have been… Read More »

Why Watching BIG BOSS 9 is good for you?

Tweet  Follow @S_kotnala I am happy. BIG BOSS (BB) is back on Colors. I openly acknowledge it to be my favourite show. In fact it is our family’s favourite show. I see eyebrows going up. I see a faintly sarcastic smile spreading and then freezing at the end of those twinkling questioning eyes. The stiff jacketed… Read More »

Reload The New Bold Perspective Of Resurgent India

Tweet Follow @s_kotnala When you live in India that Dheeraj Sinha talks about in his book ‘India Reloaded’, it is easy to smile, frown and discard what is being said. A commoner soaks in the ambience on day-to-day basis. He is naturally inert and blind to the trends, events and changes Dheeraj refers and brings alive.… Read More »

Say no to mediocre creativity. Amplify OOH experience

Follow @s_kotnala   Tweet There is too much of Out Of Home (OOH) advertising. It’s a space that is cluttered. It is tough to make a statement. It is tough to create an engaging experience. It is tough to defend such an observation. Absolutely true for hoarding, bus shelter and other such traditional OOH still seeped… Read More »

For every feature article a scantly dressed woman would do?

Tweet   Follow @S_kotnala Women power. Woman empowerment. Women image. Progressive outlook. Media keeps throwing these powerful words at the common man.Poor soul does not know more than these media stalwarts. He starts believing he is at fault. His self-image takes a beating. Every one is a suspect in his mind. He now hides behind the… Read More »

Take care of media to amplify your unpaid media coverage.

Tweet  Follow @S_kotnala ‘Is media taken care of’ or ‘I hope someone is taking care of media’ used to be pregnant thought with the event organisers. It was one of those things that defined their success, something that made them anxious. With time the things have changed. The meaning and needs from media have changed. To… Read More »